Happy Thanksgiving from the CPG Sourcing Team

I think everyone will agree that 2020 stands out as a crazy year, definitely one for the history books.  And here we are at Thanksgiving, about one year since COVID19 started and about ten months since it started to have a direct effect on us all.   Despite this past year’s obstacles—and perhaps, because of them—we are feeling optimistic, grateful, and positive.

Being positive isn’t pretending that everything is good. It is seeing the good in everything. It is knowing that there are two sides to every coin, and that every negative situation has a silver lining – always.  As we are getting ready for Thanksgiving this week, as we are approaching our gatherings with anticipation mixed with concern and caution, we, at CPG, are taking a look back at this very challenging year with gratitude. We are particularly thankful for the following:

Opportunities Born From Threats

Both opportunities and threats are part of the fabric of our world, and always will be.  This year, more than ever, we’ve had the chance to respond to new threats quickly and nimbly by stretching our minds andreviewing our assumptions about what is possible. We are grateful that we endured the headwinds, survived the storm, and had the opportunity to contribute our unique set of skills to those who needed them even more than before.

Our team of employees

Much of our success in the times of COVID19 and tariffs can be credited to our dedicated staff who showed determination, flexibility, and innovation in the face of uncertainty.  Like much of the world, CPG staff started working remotely early in the year.  Our US staff, currently facing a second wave of lockdowns and closures, has continued to work diligently to provide a seamless experience and solutions to our clients, and to avoid disruptions to their businesses.  Across the ocean, our China team faced rigorous lockdown for an extended period of time, and yet never missed a beat. Our entire team, in the U.S. and Beijing, continues to go above and beyond to support our clients. We are grateful to all of them.

Our readers

You have been there for us, attentive and responsive through all the ups and downs of the year. We value and appreciate your support.

Our clients

And last but not least, we are thankful to have had the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with our clients over the last ten months. We understand many of them have strained under the load of uncertainty and business closures, and we are grateful for their trust.

2020 made us stronger, and as we gaze upon 2021 and the inevitable changes on the horizon, we are filled with hope. We know that no matter what comes our way, we will not only survive, but thrive. We hold hope for a brighter and more stable future, no matter what.

We wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving, may all of you stay strong and healthy!


Thanks again,

Jocelyn Trigueros – CPG Marketing
Laura Dow – CPG Business Director
Michael De Clercq – CPG President

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