CPG Focus: China Sourcing, Challenges & Solutions

CPG Focus: China Sourcing, Challenges & SolutionsI have been looking for an interactive discussion forum that focuses on the challenges and opportunities of direct China sourcing.  You know, a forum that serious, veteran China Importers would love.  A forum full of useful topics such as: Corporate Social Responsibility, Pros and Cons of Trading companies, Switching operations from China to Vietnam, the impact of currency fluctuations, etc.

Until now I have not found such a forum. I have joined groups that claim to focus on China sourcing, its challenges and solutions. But most of their topics are about [this and that] and none of them address the issues and concerns above that serious Importers seem to be asking.

So I was happy that CPG (China Performance Group) decided to step up and fill this gap.  At last, a place to get answers and to discuss issues with like-minded importers.  The group is called: CPG Focus: China Importers Forum and it just launched on Wednesday.

This group is reserved exclusively for executives of companies that have significant China sourcing programs and who are concerned about optimizing their performance and impact. This will serve as a forum for discussions on China sourcing trends, policies, processes, management issues, operational challenges and practical insights.

I encourage you to join and participate.  Your presence will make a difference!

by Guerschom Francois

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