Photo Diary of a Chinese Hometown

Chinese New Year is a time when many Chinese who are working away from home take the time off to go back and visit home. I was no exception. The name of the town where I come from is Long Men, which comes from the Chinese idiom: Li Yu Tiao Long Men (鲤鱼跳龙门),which in English means that people advance themselves by jumping up. The following is a photo diary of my hometown broken down into what I consider some of the most important aspects of the village. First is the traditional food, of which is of central importance to people no matter where they are from. Second is the village’s Holy Tree, considered such due to it’s centuries old history and the strength of its Fengshui positioning. Third is a local Green Tea factory, where some of my favorite tea in China is made. Finally, the scenery from around the village, best described in one word: GREEN. Hope you enjoy pictures of my hometown!

– Philip Liu, CPG Sourcing Associate


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