Fun facts About Visiting Chinese Factories

As of late, we’ve found that our clients are not able to travel to China as often, and it has us reminiscing about these trips pre-COVID. Many interesting things have come up during our visits to factories together with our clients, such as how local people address a foreigner, joining in square-dancing, trying local popular food such as hot pot and so on. It is always fun and memorable especially for our clients who have never been to China before.

I would like to share some of these experiences to introduce some local culture that may interest our readers:

“Lǎowài” (老外) means foreigners

The Chinese people have been a country focused on etiquette since ancient times. In daily life, Chinese people like to add the word “old” (lǎo老) in front of many nouns to appear cordial, such as “old hometown” (lǎojiā老家)and “old king.” So, local people often call foreigners Lǎowài as wài which means “Foreign.” Lǎowài and refers to those from countries other than South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, etc.

So, the next time you hear the word Lǎowài on the streets of China, it will be easier to understand.

Square dancing experience

Square dancing is now pretty popular in both cities and counties in China. Most of these dancers are retired women who like to keep healthy and in good spirits. These square-dancing events usually last about 30 minutes every night after dinner, in an open place.

Our own CPG team members Ruben, Jessie, and Ren Mao tried square dancing with some of our clients when they visited China – and they enjoyed themselves! Anyone is welcome to join in and follow the local dancers whenever you encounter them!

Hot pot!

Our clients have enjoyed this Chinese dish on their visits. It is made by putting various vegetables, fresh meat, soy products, and other  ingredients you like into one Hot Pot. Then, when it boils, take out the food by chopsticks (learn to use them and have fun!), add in some favorable sauces and enjoy! Hot pot is very popular in China, especially in Wintertime.

But you need to be careful as it’s really hot and sometimes can be VERY spicy per your preference!

Do you have any interesting experiences from when you visited China? Feel free to share them with us in the comments below!


By Christina Zhao


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