Is Excellence China Sourcing a Learnable Skill?

Is Excellent China Sourcing a Learnable Skill? When I interact with serious China importers I am reminded that excellence in ANY system, but especially in long distance China sourcing systems, is not an accident, but the result of discipline, persistence and, most of all, processes.  As Aristotle famously said: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 
So how do we get into the “excellence habit” in China sourcing? It would be nice to have a formula to address that challenge, a road map of sorts.  Well, as it turns out, there is such a thing, or, at least, it is emerging.
The breakthrough is CPG’s willingness to post online the specific procedures it has been using so effectively for nearly 40 years of China sourcing.  It is impressive that they have decided to share this IP.  Personally, I’m of the mindset that if you have something great working for you, then share some of that greatness with others, they will benefit and so will you.   Helping people help themselves is a great mission and Education through Interaction is one of the best ways to grow your body of knowledge and fine-tune your expertise.
Will these procedures be helpful to serious importers? How do these procedures compare to yours? What do you think about this sharing concept?  Please start by sharing your thoughts and let me know your views on this subject.
Click here to view the procedures index!
by Guerschom Francois

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