CPG Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving

Many spend Thanksgiving reflecting on what they’re thankful for, and here at CPG, we are no different. As we move into the holiday season and 2021 comes to a close, we have many reasons to be thankful. 

It is no secret that the past couple of years have presented numerous hardships. The COVID 19 pandemic, the extraordinary supply chain issues and on-going shipping crisis have affected people and business around the world, ourselves included. But, today we are grateful to our clients who entrusted us to help turn their challenges into opportunities and solutions during these unprecedented times. 


Colin Powell said “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”  We agree with that, we are a bunch of optimists.  Sure, tough challenges require strength, but when you face them with optimism you find solutions. What can we learn? How can we turn issues into opportunities?  Sometimes you even discover that the challenges make you stronger, and better.


Each of the challenges we encountered provided CPG with endless opportunities to discover and explore countless solutions for our clients.   It was an exciting process which tested us, which caused us to engage deeply with our clients, their China team working overtime on the other side of the world together with our Client Success Manager to brainstorm and think outside of the box.  You would be amazed what such a combination delivers!  (We will share some of our takeaways in another blog.)

“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” (Winston Churchill)

We are thankful for the lessons learned and the opportunities afforded us and we want to supplement our optimism and good wishes with a tangible gift.  The most valuable thing we can give is control and peace of mind in your supply chain.  To make it easier for you to experience a CPG sourcing team we offer 43% off* all of our services. We hope you will enjoy this to the full! you seize this opportunity to take control of your supply chain!


Happy Thanksgiving, from the CPG Team! 


*Contact us for more information 


For more answers to questions about the China supply chain and what we do, visit our FAQ page.


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