Why Do China Supply Chain Purchasing Managers and Procurement Specialists love CPG?

Do you know how much your purchasing department is spending on their China supply chain? Do you consider yourself a Purchasing Manager who’s “reactive” or “proactive”?

The reactive approach tends to manage based on complaints. No complaints means purchasing is doing a pretty good job. The pro-active approach instead, negotiates credibly with suppliers for lower prices. Managers with a pro-active mentality often strive for the lowest unit cost knowing that their savings in purchasing adds to the bottom line. This is integral when managing your China supply chain.

In Sokanu.com, they describe the purchasing managers roles:

  • Evaluate suppliers based on price, quality, and delivery speed
  • Interview vendors and visit suppliers’ plants and distribution centers to examine and learn about products, services, and prices
  • Attend meetings, trade shows, and conferences to learn about new industry trends and make contacts with suppliers
  • Analyze price proposals, financial reports, and other information to determine reasonable prices
  • Negotiate contracts on behalf of their organization
  • Work out policies with suppliers, such as when products will be delivered
  • Meet with staff and vendors to discuss defective or unacceptable goods or services and determine corrective action
  • Evaluate and monitor contracts to be sure that vendors and supplies comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and to determine need for changes
  • Maintain and review records of items bought, costs, deliveries, product performance, and inventories

When dealing with the China supply chain, executing these fundamental duties can sometime become hard to almost impossible to do. Even the savviest of purchasing managers can get frustrated because their vision, process and procedures gets lost in translation. Communication fails amongst other things and they’re probably better off walking the grounds in China 365 days out of the year to ensure everything is done exactly as planned.

This is why Purchasing Managers and Procurement specialist fall in love with China Performance Group. CPG is like putting on an Iron Man suit. Everything that he/she desires to do is executed with precision and success is amplified. CPG handles all aspects of the China supply chain, providing essential support to purchasing managers and importers who are not satisfied with a “good enough” supply chain. The purchasing manager arms themselves with “The China Sourcing SolutionTM”, a superior approach to the problem of managing complicated businesses from a distance. Using this methodology, CPG has created a proven and repeatable process of extracting maximum benefits from the China supply chain tailored to each importer’s business. This is not a one-size fits all approach.

Jocelyn Trigueros did a wonderful job explaining who China Performance Group is in her blog entitled “Who is China Performance Group & How Do We Approach China Sourcing?”. I encourage you to check it out!

What is your experience as a purchasing manager? Are you getting the optimal results from your China supply chain that you’ve been working hard to achieve?

For more information about CPG, please visit our Services page.

By Guerschom Francois

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