China Performance Group: What We Do

What exactly is it that we do?  I mean, we know what we do, but how do we know that you know?  This is a marketing issue that any business must confront.  There is no point being good at something if no-one knows about it—you must get the message out.  So, we thought we would use a video to help us with this.  We planned it, produced it, and are happy to announce that is video is now live our Home Page!

This video actually took quite a lot of time and effort to bring to fruition but we are optimistic that it was a worthwhile endeavor.

Why, you say? We are very excited about what we do, about the value we add to our clients, about the wealth we create for many of them.  But explaining what we do in a simple, easy-to-understand way has always been a challenge.

We are a service provider specializing in managing the China supply chain.  This is harder to explain than, say, “we sell bicycles.”

We thought an animated video might be a very effective way to deliver our key messages and hired to a video producer to work with us. We were very satisfied with their attention to detail and final product. Please watch our new video and let us know what you think!


Do you understand what we do? Do you have any further questions? If so, feel free to get in touch. We welcome any and all feedback!



-The CPG Team

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