Amazing Days Part Two: Adding Value

This is the second installment of a blog series written by sourcing specialist Moon Mu on why she loves working in supply chain management. Moon strives to achieve maximum benefits for CPG clients, resulting in amazing days for all! See here for Part 1. 

The main objective of CPG’s China team is to achieve 100% client satisfaction. To do this, we must ensure we are adding value, and how we accomplish this varies from client to client based on many factors. So, how do we ensure we add value, all the time? We start by understanding our clients’ products, industries, and needs. We then implement our supply chain management systems and procedures honed over 40+ years to extract the most value for our clients.

Identifying Client Needs

How do we identify client needs? What is the client trying to achieve? CPG is not only involved in the mechanics of China sourcing, we spend time studying our clients’ needs and do our own research on how we can add value. This is an essential function we provide as their China team.

How do we know what will add value? We get ideas through communication with our clients, studying their product lines, and performing analysis on competitive products. 

Generally, our clients’ main concern is cost. Therefore, it is a priority to identify optimal pricing. The team will then consider lead times, shipping cost, predictable profits, relevant risks, etc.

In addition to the above, we also believe that what adds tremendous value to our clients is providing the most transparent, complete, and relevant information to help them make informed and optimal purchase decisions. In short, our clients trust us, and this alone is invaluable. 

How Does CPG Add value? 

We have spent 40+ years helping importers establish and optimize their supply chains, and look forward to spending another 40 years helping our clients grow. 

Based on this previous experience and practical knowledge, we are able to contribute unlimited ideas and solutions to help our clients resolve common challenges, such as pricing or quality issues. In addition, we have processes in place to manage and prevent these types of issues.

Lastly, we have a unique model to support clients of any size or structure. We are able to support small entrepreneurs in product development stages, as well as experienced importers who have an established supply chain. Regardless of size or industry, we are confident we can add value to our clients. 

We believe our success is closely tied to the success of our clients!


By Moon Mu

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