China Performance Group: Top 5 CPG Sourcing Blogs

Here are CPG, we enjoy writing blogs that add value to our readers. We have previously written about other China sourcing blogs that we enjoy as well, that also provide valuable sourcing information to our readers and customer base.

In writing blogs, it is our goal to provide importers with the most relevant information to help them be effective and efficient in their China sourcing program. We have received so much positive feedback about our blogs from importers that we decided to put a few of them together for the busy importer in one convenient location! Just click on the link to read the complete article!

  • China Trade War – No worries: If you’re worried about how the recent negotiations between the United States and China will impact your import business, no need to worry! In this blog, we provide useful solutions that an importer can use to not only succeed, but remain competitive during this time of turbulent negotiations and uncertainty.
  • China Tariffs: Import Surge Filling Warehouses to Capacity: In an attempt to avoid the impending tariffs on goods imported from China, importers have been receiving their inventories earlier than needed. While this short-term solution is saving importers millions in tariffs, it is proving to be a very costly option in terms of dollars tied up in inventory as well as storage space. This blog will address some other solutions to minimizing tariffs while allowing importers to maintain their competitive advantage.
  • Although this blog from 2013, The 10 Largest Ports in China, may seem outdated, the relevance of the material is still important for any importer interested in purchasing goods from China. It provides a list of the largest ports in China as well as the importance of each for shipping manufactured goods in and out of China.
  • In this blog, Main Areas of Shoe Production in China, we enlighten the importer to the many locations in China which specialize in various types of footwear. If you currently import shoes or are looking to, be sure to review this blog to learn more about each of the geographical locations where shoes are manufactured and the advantages of each.
  • Are you an importer of Designer Luggage? Learn all about the luggage industry in China from our blog, Things You Should Know about Designer Bags and Luggage Manufactured in China. Written in 2015, this blog will provide the importer with important information about the designer bag market in China, regional concentration of bags, and the cost of materials versus labor by province. It will even provide the Top 10 factories of quality bags.

Writing blogs is our means of providing importers with essential information that they need to remain competitive in this very dynamic market of importing goods from China. After reviewing some of these blogs, we would love to hear which ones are your favorite and which ones you find to be the most useful. Have suggestions for other blogs? Let us know in the comments below.


By Jocelyn Trigueros

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