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Quality Management of the Production Process: Part Two


In part one, we discussed how “prevention is better than a cure” when it comes to Quality Assurance, and how to manage quality processes before production. In this blog we will discuss in detail our quality management processes during production. Specific measures for quality management during production  1. Supervise suppliers to...

Quality Management of the Production Process: Part One


CPG’s approach to quality control is one of PREVENTION. We want to avoid problems. Our motto is “Prevention is better than a cure.” Quality management in the pre-production process Dr. Deming, the father of quality management, once said: quality is not tested, but produced. Only in each link of the...

China Sourcing: The Setbacks We Learn From


“In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein In last week’s Thanksgiving blog, we discussed how thankful we are for the last 43 years in business, which have been rich in lessons, and opportunities to turn those lessons into wins for our clients. While there are always endless...

CPG Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving


Many spend Thanksgiving reflecting on what they’re thankful for, and here at CPG, we are no different. As we move into the holiday season and 2021 comes to a close, we have many reasons to be thankful.  It is no secret that the past couple of years have presented numerous...

Fun facts About Visiting Chinese Factories


As of late, we’ve found that our clients are not able to travel to China as often, and it has us reminiscing about these trips pre-COVID. Many interesting things have come up during our visits to factories together with our clients, such as how local people address a foreigner, joining...

Amazing Days


Moon Mu, Sourcing Specialist: Below I share a few stories about why I love my job working in supply chain management. I always strive to achieve maximum benefits for my clients, resulting in amazing days for them, and me!   The Client Is Always Right When encountering sourcing issues, our...

Shipping Crisis: Gain Control of Ocean Freight Costs


The present situation of ocean shipment in China You must have seen it on the international news recently. Shanghai Port was closed due to a fire. Yantian Port is closed, and all goods are moving through the north of China. This puts a lot of pressure on the ports of...

China Travel Restrictions: What Can You Do?


Before COVID19, it was very common for suppliers to travel the US to meet with clients, and for importers to travel to China to meet manufacturers and attend fairs and expos. Such travel would often occur 3-4 times per year. A couple of weeks ago, we said there would be...


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