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IP Protection: NDA or NNN?


Most importers have many of the same concerns when sourcing in China, one being the ability to protect their IP (Intellectual Property). It’s important for businesses to protect their homegrown ideas because it sets them apart from competitors, and can be used as a vital source of revenue. So how...

Chinese Holidays: An Overview of the Festivals Celebrated in China


I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss a bit about the holidays celebrated in China, both the traditional and official holidays. As most people know, China’s history is extensive, and a great many traditions have developed over this time and grown with regards to the celebrations of holidays. Traditional...

The Importance of having a China Sourcing Team


China is the fourth largest country in the world in size and the largest country for population. It is also the second largest economy in the world – and growing.  This makes China a very interesting nation to do business with, but interacting is not always easy, especially for westerners. ...

The China Sourcing Solution: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 2


This week’s blog is Part 2 in a three-part series on CPG’s China Sourcing Solution, which provides you, the importer, with what is, in effect, your own branch office and team in China. As discussed last week, implementing the China Sourcing Solution comprises the following five steps: - Step 1:...

How to Get an Accurate Quote from Chinese Suppliers


How you establish the terms for a working relationship with a factory can really set the tone for the remainder of the production process. The Request For Quotation (RFQ) is thus a crucial step in your China sourcing program to ensure the timeliness and quality of your production. Here are...

The China Sourcing Solution: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 1


At China Performance Group, we implement the China Sourcing Solution to achieve optimal sourcing success for you, the importer. The China Sourcing Solution provides your own branch office in China—full of dedicated staff and experienced specialists to execute your sourcing vision responsibly—without the management burden.  What are the steps to...

Building a Resilient Supply Chain


If a supply chain is delivering decent results, it is common for even the most experienced importers to feel as though they know and do enough to manage it. Many importers are busy CEOs focused on many other things aside from their sourcing program—sales, budgets, staff, etc. A competitive supply...

Supply Chain Planning for Omnichannel Retail


For years, many retail companies have been moving towards online stores and shopping, and the pandemic served to accelerate this trend. For the end user, this meant new choices and new experiences, real multiple channels to buy merchandise. For businesses supplying these end users, omnichannel retail has become a hot...


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