Archive of Category: Optimal Cost

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Cheap Factories and Your China Sourcing Program


Recently, I read an article on, “The Danger of Choosing a ‘Cheap’ Chinese Factory.” The objective of most companies with China sourcing programs is to save money, it stands to reason that many importers are looking for cheap Chinese factories. But what happens when saving money becomes, in effect,...

China Sourcing Services: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 3


This week’s blog is the final part of a three-part series on CPG’s China Sourcing Services Services, which provides you, the importer, with an expert sourcing team in China (Read Part 1 and Part 2).   As discussed, implementing the China Sourcing Solution comprises the following five steps:    Step 1: Understanding...

China Sourcing Services: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 2


This week’s blog is Part 2 in a three-part series on CPG’s China sourcing services, which provides you, the importer, with what is, in effect, your own branch office and team in China. As discussed last week, implementing the China Sourcing Solution comprises the following five steps: Step 1: Understanding...

China Sourcing Services: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 1


At CPG, we implement our Sourcing Solution to achieve optimal China sourcing services for you, the importer. Our solution provides your own branch office in China—full of dedicated staff and experienced specialists to execute your sourcing vision responsibly—without the management burden.  What are the steps to getting started? Implementing the...

Supply Chain Management in China: Building Resiliency


If your supply chain management in China is delivering decent results, it is common for even the most experienced importers to feel as though they do enough to manage it. Many importers are busy CEOs focused on many other things aside from their sourcing program. A competitive supply chain requires...

Supply Chain Management in China for Omnichannel Retail


Over the years, numerous retail enterprises have been transitioning towards online stores and shopping, with the pandemic acting as a catalyst for this transformation within the realm of supply chain management in China. For the end user, this meant new choices and new experiences, real multiple channels to buy merchandise....

Product Categorization: Part one – Product and Industry Knowledge in China Manufacturing


If your sourcing needs involve any China manufacturing, we can help. CPG prides itself on being “product agnostic.” However, product specifics and market maturity greatly affect project timelines and costs. Why Categorize Your products? CPG sources a wide range of products to meet client needs. Different categories demand distinct industry...

Buying From China and the Importance of Contracts


We’ve all heard the saying, “The greater the risk; the greater the reward.” Although the risk/reward concept makes sense in most cases, let us not exaggerate. Sourcing and procurement is a risky and complex process in and of itself. If you want to reap rewards from buying directly from China,...


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