Archive of Tag: Management

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Navigating Growth And Development At CPG, A Leader In China Sourcing – Exclusive Interview With Laura Dow


Here at CPG, we're excited to announce that Laura Dow, Business Director, recently unveiled the strategies, challenges, and triumphs behind steering a company in the competitive landscape of China in an exclusive interview with Brainz Magazine. Laura Dow, a seasoned explorer with diverse passions, leads CPG's charge in helping global...

China Sourcing Office Common Challenges


When sourcing from China, to maximize your profits, ensure predictability and reliability, and make sure your interests are protected, you need to have a good team. Many companies get a “sourcing team” either by hiring agents or independent contractors. But for some companies, this means opening their own China sourcing...

China Supply Chain Management: Dare to Delegate


Napoleon said, “If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.” So why delegate? Does it even make sense?  We know that managers (even Napoleon) delegate. That is pretty much a definition of management. But why?  And how? We previously wrote a blog about Hiring Teams vs. Individuals and...

3 Things To Ensure Every Buyer Gets What They Need & Want When Sourcing From China


When an importer begins their quest to source products in China, they typically know what they want,  but they are not always as clear about what they need. What is the difference between “want” and “need”?  Well, it mostly has to do with details; all the things you need to...


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