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Covid-19 – Affecting Your Supply Chain?


The whole world is fixated on Covid-19. Perhaps too much so due to its unpredictability. There’s so much we don’t know. What we do know is that it is very contagious, it has a relatively low fatality rate, and, if left to its devices, lasts about 3 weeks.  It seems...

The Cost of Doing Nothing


Experienced importers with deep knowledge of China and its culture are able to realize savings and increase their revenue. But not all importers have that background. We previously covered this topic in the blog series “Are You Leaving Money on the Table?” In that blog, we explored what happens when...

The China Trade War: The First Phase Agreement


In the game of business, there are two categories of players: the buyers and the sellers. When negotiating contract terms, the buyers have the upper hand and the sellers cooperate for obvious reasons – they want to close the sale. Most of the time, buyers are well prepared and know...

China Performance Group: Top 5 CPG Sourcing Blogs


Here are CPG, we enjoy writing blogs that add value to our readers. We have previously written about other China sourcing blogs that we enjoy as well, that also provide valuable sourcing information to our readers and customer base. In writing blogs, it is our goal to provide importers with...

China Tariffs: Import Surge Filling Warehouses to Capacity


As importers are finding ways around the tariffs, warehouses are now filling up to capacity, posing a new problem for importers, according to this article from The Supply Chain Brain, Tariff Fears Caused US Import Surge. Now Warehouses Are Full. One of the largest warehouse complexes near the Long Beach...

US-China Trade War: Time to change gears?


“Things are going very well with China” tweeted Trump after imposing new tariffs on China imports.  The stock market crashed on the news.  Easy fix: Trump backed off the tariffs on Tuesday and the stocks rebounded.  But then they crashed again, worse than before. I wrote the previous blog in...

China trade war – No worries


We have all heard that Trump has now ordered new tariffs of 10% on about $300 billion of goods for September.  And yes, this means whatever it is you are importing will be affected. Gone are the leisurely days of operating in a predictable environment.  Remember when you could quietly...

US-China trade war – 8: Can this get back on track?


So, here we are at the end of the series and back to the original questions: Will this trade war come to an end? Will we have tariffs on an additional $325 Bn? How long will this last? The difficulty about predicting the outcome of this kind of event is...


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