Archive of Category: Sourcing Management

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The Top 10 China Sourcing Companies Part 2: The Scoring


Last week we published our Top Ten List of China Sourcing Companies, which ranks companies in a systematic and transparent manner.  See the blog and list again here: Part 1: The List This week we reveal the analysis behind the list - our comprehensive scoring system, what metrics we used...

Top 10 China Sourcing Companies Part 1: The List


Sourcing from China offers tremendous cost savings, especially if you buy directly from Chinese factories. To do so, you need the right on-site support. (To learn more about why on-site support is essential – see The Cost of Doing Nothing.) But what does on-site support mean, exactly? For large importers, this...

Independence Day and Your China Supply Chain


On this Fourth of July we have been thinking about the value of independence in the China supply chain.  Great buyers like to be in control. By “independence” we mean that buyers are “not dependent” on the whim of any particular supplier but are firmly in control of their own...

The China Sourcing Solution: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 3


This week’s blog is the final part of a three-part series on CPG’s China Sourcing Solution, which provides you, the importer, with an expert sourcing team in China (Read Part 1 and Part 2).   As discussed, implementing the China Sourcing Solution comprises the following five steps:    – Step 1: Understanding...

IP Protection: NDA or NNN?


Most importers have many of the same concerns when sourcing in China, one being the ability to protect their IP (Intellectual Property). It’s important for businesses to protect their homegrown ideas because it sets them apart from competitors, and can be used as a vital source of revenue. So how...

The China Sourcing Solution: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 2


This week’s blog is Part 2 in a three-part series on CPG’s China Sourcing Solution, which provides you, the importer, with what is, in effect, your own branch office and team in China. As discussed last week, implementing the China Sourcing Solution comprises the following five steps: - Step 1:...

The China Sourcing Solution: The 5 steps to sourcing success – Part 1


At China Performance Group, we implement the China Sourcing Solution to achieve optimal sourcing success for you, the importer. The China Sourcing Solution provides your own branch office in China—full of dedicated staff and experienced specialists to execute your sourcing vision responsibly—without the management burden.  What are the steps to...

Building a Resilient Supply Chain


If a supply chain is delivering decent results, it is common for even the most experienced importers to feel as though they know and do enough to manage it. Many importers are busy CEOs focused on many other things aside from their sourcing program—sales, budgets, staff, etc. A competitive supply...


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