Archive of Category: Optimal Cost

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China Sourcing: What to include in the PSS?


There are many tools importers use to ensure success with a supplier when they buy direct from China. One of these tools is the Product Specification Sheet (PSS). This document is used to specify the buyer’s requirements and to ensure that they are implemented at the factory level by making...

“Made In China”: Improving the Standards and Quality – Part 4


Previously, we wrote about how sourcing from China got its reputation for poor quality. This week’s blog discusses how a series of consumer product recalls actually led to improving the standards of supply chain management in China. As our last blog in this series indicated, the notion that goods made...

The Resilient China Supply Chain


As we emerge from the Covid19 supply chain nightmare and dust ourselves off, we note that some companies were able to react immediately to market opportunities. They placed orders and planned deliveries, secure in their knowledge that their supply chain will deliver.  Those companies did really well when the market...

China Supply Chain Management: Placing Orders


Many companies seek agents in China sourcing to save on first costs. Seems relatively straightforward, right? Not so fast. Sourcing from China is a complicated process, of which every single stage requires careful attention. Even the savviest of importers can run into trouble if they start getting lax about their...

Best Product Categories to Source From China


Are you thinking about having your production moved to China? With the recent news on tariffs (see our 8-part blog series on the China trade war) many are waiting to see what happens before they begin to buy direct from China. In this blog, we’ll share the best product categories...

Sourcing from China: RFQ Process Guide


We previously wrote in depth about the RFQ (Request for Quotation) process and how to secure the best and most accurate quotes. In this blog, we will discuss how having a professional China sourcing team could add value to your RFQ process, and how they would manage the process successfully...

3 Things To Ensure Every Buyer Gets What They Need & Want When Sourcing From China


When an importer begins their quest to source products in China, they typically know what they want,  but they are not always as clear about what they need. What is the difference between “want” and “need”?  Well, it mostly has to do with details; all the things you need to...

Sourcing from China: Robots to beat tariffs?


Current tariffs and selling restrictions with China have been an ongoing and popular topic in the press and an especially important issue for businesses sourcing from China. One of the benefits of this kind of activity is that importers are focused on reducing COGS (Cost of goods sold). A recent...


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