Archive of Tag: supply chain management

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Indirect Sourcing vs Direct Sourcing: What is the best approach?


Importing from China has never been a decision made overnight. Importers have many options to weigh and lots of research to do when considering moving their supply chain to China. One barrier has always been – how? What is the best approach to buying from China? The best approach to...

Supply Chain Management in China: Building Resiliency


If your supply chain management in China is delivering decent results, it is common for even the most experienced importers to feel as though they do enough to manage it. Many importers are busy CEOs focused on many other things aside from their sourcing program. A competitive supply chain requires...

China Sourcing Alternatives: Is it time to move?


Given the current climate surrounding China, various factors have caused importers to ask if sourcing from China is still the right choice for their supply chain. Uncertainty due to tariffs/Trade war, rising labor costs and COVID-19 have sparked a lot of concerns. Is it time to search for China sourcing...

Buy Direct from China vs US


American-made vs China-bought has been a hot topic as of late. With the recent political climate, the trade war, and tariffs, more and more importers are looking to move their supply chain management in China home. But is that really in their best interest? Should importers buy direct from China...

China Sourcing: Hiring Teams vs. Individuals


One common dilemma importers often face is the decision of whether to hire a China sourcing agent or a China sourcing agency. You hire people to get results.  But hiring is a big investment of time and resources.  To get a good return on that investment, you need to find...

Maximizing Your Shipping Success: Tips for Dealing with US Customs When Sourcing from China


If you are new to China direct buying or your supply chain management in China is new, it can be easy to overlook US customs. When you have good communication with your manufacturer, unexpected issues—such as your items have been refused entry or the customs tax on this container of...

Sourcing from China: RFQ Process Guide


We previously wrote in depth about the RFQ (Request for Quotation) process and how to secure the best and most accurate quotes. In this blog, we will discuss how having a professional China sourcing team could add value to your RFQ process, and how they would manage the process successfully...

3 Things To Ensure Every Buyer Gets What They Need & Want When Sourcing From China


When an importer begins their quest to source products in China, they typically know what they want,  but they are not always as clear about what they need. What is the difference between “want” and “need”?  Well, it mostly has to do with details; all the things you need to...


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