Archive of Tag: Procurement

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Buying From China and the Importance of Contracts


We’ve all heard the saying, “The greater the risk; the greater the reward.” Although the risk/reward concept makes sense in most cases, let us not exaggerate. Sourcing and procurement is a risky and complex process in and of itself. If you want to reap rewards from buying directly from China,...

Reflections on 40 Years of China Sourcing


1978-2018 As our 40th anniversary year comes to an end, I look back at our business, how it came about, why we did it, and what it means today. People often ask me how CPG got started, and more specifically, why I learned Chinese way back when China was not...

3 Things To Ensure Every Buyer Gets What They Need & Want When Sourcing From China


When an importer begins their quest to source products in China, they typically know what they want,  but they are not always as clear about what they need. What is the difference between “want” and “need”?  Well, it mostly has to do with details; all the things you need to...


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