Archive of Tag: china

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China’s Currency Manipulation- Excuse or Trade Disrupter


China condemned the U.S. on Wednesday October 12, 2011 after the Senate passed the "Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Act," with a 63-35 majority that threatens to punish China for allegedly undervaluing its currency with retaliatory tariffs on imports from China. Although the legislation refers to countries, it is clearly designed...

First Impressions: Football and The Wall


The weather in Beijing has plummeted to this weeks 14 Degrees. Many Chinese people have told me that with a snap of a finger the weather changes, and that is exactly what happened, one day was hot then the next day you are left shivering in your short sleeve shirt....

Should China Come to the Rescue of Europe’s Economic Woes?


China has proven itself to be among the shrewdest in the world as it becomes increasingly well positioned. As events in recent years have shown, established themselves on increasingly powerful economic footing compared to the rest of the world. This is thanks to certain actions that the national government has...

First Impressions: A Chinese Road Trip


Arriving for the first time in China during a seven day long national holiday is definitely a treat. When moving to a new and unknown place, several thousand kilometers from home, one must leave all that is familiar and known behind. Before arriving in Beijing I had no idea what...

A Different National Day for a Different People


The National Day celebration is one of the major holidays for the Chinese people. To mark this holiday we have a seven-day vacation. This is not only an opportunity for celebration but also a chance to have a good rest, travel, or get together with family. However, for the majority...

Can a “Green China” Save our Planet?


“Our civilization is to be either lost or redeemed in China, the awakening giant.” – Richard Register, Environmental scholar. In the last 30 years, China has undergone not only rapid economic growth, but also rapid urbanisation with nearly 50% of the population now living in urban areas. This figure is...

Photo Diary of a Chinese Hometown


Chinese New Year is a time when many Chinese who are working away from home take the time off to go back and visit home. I was no exception. The name of the town where I come from is Long Men, which comes from the Chinese idiom: Li Yu Tiao...

The Effects on China of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan


At 1:46pm on March 11th, Beijing time, there was a class 9 earthquake that hit near Honshu island of Japan. The earthquake as well as tsunami and the fire at a nuclear power station that followed not only brought fatal effects to Japan, but also greatly affected China as its...


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