Archive of Tag: china sourcing company

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Opening Your Own Sourcing Office: What does it take?


It goes without saying – when you buy direct from China, you must have an excellent support system. Many companies secure this support by hiring a China sourcing agent or a China sourcing company. But for some companies, opening their own sourcing office makes the most sense. This requires an...

The Return to China Pt 2: 8 Tips for a Great Sourcing Trip 


In our last travel blog, The Return to China Pt 1, we covered how to carefully plan and prepare a trip to China for a factory visit or a trade fair. And, due to the complexities and challenges of such a grueling international trip, many companies are choosing not to...

“Made In China”: Improving the Standards and Quality – Part 4


Previously, we wrote about how sourcing from China got its reputation for poor quality. This week’s blog discusses how a series of consumer product recalls actually led to improving the standards of supply chain management in China. As our last blog in this series indicated, the notion that goods made...

“Made In China” – Quality & Perception when China Sourcing


In August 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported on a “$30 million Glass Pavilion [built as] a symbol of America’s ‘Glass City’” in 2006 in Toledo, Ohio. However, this monument, meant to celebrate the city’s great manufacturing past of quality glass, actually was built using glass sourced from China. The...

Sourcing from China using Wholesale Markets


Chinese wholesale markets are a great tool for anyone looking to experiment with importing goods for their small business. In this guide, we will cover wholesale markets in China, and important tips on dealing with wholesale suppliers and importing. Why buy direct from China wholesale markets?  Wholesale markets in China...

Late Delivery? 3 Tips on Overcoming China Sourcing Delays


There are many delays that can occur when sourcing from China, but most can be avoided or minimized with the right preparation. Below are a few tips that can reduce the risk of delay and mitigate its damage when it occurs: Place orders early: You’ll want to start the sourcing...

Is Doing Nothing Costing You More Than You Think?


Experienced importers with deep knowledge of China and its culture are able to realize savings and increase their revenue. But not all importers have that background. We previously covered this topic in the blog series “Are You Leaving Money on the Table?” In that blog, we explored what happens when...

Best Product Categories to Source From China


Are you thinking about having your production moved to China? With the recent news on tariffs (see our 8-part blog series on the China trade war) many are waiting to see what happens before they begin to buy direct from China. In this blog, we’ll share the best product categories...


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