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Working With Your China Supply Chain Management, Not Against it


As a China supply chain management company, we get asked about efficiency issues all the time. There are vital steps in the China supply chain management process.  For instance, there is a wide range of quality control issues from quality inspections to ensuring that, from sampling to shipment, your product...

The Importance of Contracts When Importing From China


I often hear the saying, “the greater the risk; the greater the reward.” Although the risk/reward concept makes sense in most cases, let us not exaggerate.   Importing from China is a risky and complex process in and of itself, if you want to reap rewards from it, you must do...

Sourcing from China: 4 Reasons You Can’t Find a Factory


We hear it all the time from importers sourcing from China, “I can’t find a factory to manufacture my products!”  This is especially so when the product you are seeking to source is unusual: you will not have any difficulty finding factories for white T-shirts or running shoes, this only...

Sourcing in China, the Land of Cutting Corners


One of the most common questions we are faced with in this day and age in China sourcing, is the question of quality.  When talking to importers about their China sourcing programs I note it is a pretty common belief among them that sourcing from China may mean serious cuts...

Are You Leaving Money On the Table? Part 5 – Conclusion


Let’s look at the whole picture: How much does China sourcing support really cost you? Looks like this series has created quite a stir. I appreciate the feedback, especially from the last blog.  Since this is the last of the series, lets do a quick re-cap.  The series addressed the...

Are You Leaving Money On the Table? Part 4 – Your Own China Sourcing Office


OK, so we covered Trading Companies and China sourcing Agents in previous blogs, but why hire outsiders?  Why not manage the China sourcing process with your own employees, your own team?  In this blog, I am shifting my focus on the Pros and Cons of having your own China Sourcing...

Are You Leaving Money On the Table? Part 3 – China Sourcing Agents


What are China sourcing Agents? In the last blog we talked about Communications and Trading Companies, lets focus this time on China sourcing Agents. A China sourcing agent is a freelancer, like an employee, and, like an employee; If he or she is good, then the agent is a valuable...

Are You Leaving Money On the Table? Part 2 – Trading Companies


Before we get started: Good communications During my last blog I got some valuable feedback on the importance of communications when sourcing from China.  That was such a good point. We have some clients on the East coast who complain about how difficult it is to communicate with their West coast...


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