Archive of Category: Sourcing Management

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Made In China Quality and Perception: The 12th 5 Year Plan – Part 5


In the last blog installment we published of this series, Made In China Quality and Perception: Improving Standards and Improving Quality – Part 4, discussed the recovery China made after dealing with major quality scandals and recalls between 2007 and 2008. This week, we continue the series and will examine...

Made In China Quality and Perception: Improving Standards and Improving Quality – Part 4


Last week, we wrote about how China got its reputation for poor quality. This week’s blog discusses how a series of consumer product recalls actually led to the improved quality of Chinese-made goods. As our last blog in this series indicated, the notion that goods made in China are of...

Made in China Quality & Perception: The Source of Negative Perception – Part 3


In February we started a blog series on the perception of Chinese goods being of poor quality (See Part 1 & Part 2). But is this a myth or reality? In this week’s segment, we’ll delve deeper into this topic and explore the source of this notion and its impact...

China Sourcing: Robots to beat tariffs?


The impending tariffs and the trade war with China have been an ongoing and popular topic in the press, and an especially important issue in our business. One of the benefits of this kind of activity is that importers are focused on reducing COGS (Cost of goods sold). A recent...

Sourcing and Toilets in a Changing China


China has gone through some major economic changes in the last 2 decades. Some of which probably affected how you buy and what you buy in China. In a recent article from Stansberry Pacific Research’s Asia Wealth Investment Daily, we found a great review of some of these changes.  Worth...

China Sourcing: An Update on China Tariffs Deadline


Four weeks ago, I shared with youMichael De Clercq’s blog about his predictions on a positiveoutcome of the additional tariffswith China. As you know, President Trump originally set a deadline of March 1st. We are now at that deadline and,a few days ago, we all learned that hepostponed this deadline...

Interview with a China Sourcing Specialist


We field a lot of questions about China sourcing and the management of the China supply chain, such as: How is it done? How hard is it? What are the pitfalls? etc.   The best answers are provided by China sourcing specialists.  To address some of these questions we thought we...

“Made In China” – Quality and Perception: Intro


In August, 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported on a “$30 million Glass Pavilion [built as] a symbol of America’s ‘Glass City’” in 2006 in Toledo, Ohio. However, this monument, meant to celebrate the city’s great manufacturing past of quality glass, actually was built using glass sourced from China. The...


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