Archive of Category: CPG Blog

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Ensuring Timely Delivery When Sourcing from China


When navigating China manufacturing, delays can often occur, but with the right preparation, many can be avoided or minimized to ensure a smoother sourcing process. Below are a few tips that can reduce the risk of delay and mitigate its damage when it occurs: Place orders early: You’ll want to...

Indirect Sourcing vs Direct Sourcing: What is the best approach?


Importing from China has never been a decision made overnight. Importers have many options to weigh and lots of research to do when considering moving their supply chain to China. One barrier has always been – how? What is the best approach to buying from China? The best approach to...

Purchasing in China: Are you ready to order?


Have you been seeing price increases from your suppliers/factories? How do you plan to place orders when faced with rising prices? Purchasing in China has faced these challenges in recent years due to COVID-19 and its aftermath: maintaining inventory, global inflation, unstable exchange rates, panic hoarding, etc. State of Flux...

CPG’s Quarterly Newsletter – Q3 2024


  Welcome to CPG's 2024 Q3 Newsletter! Our newsletters summarize recent events and cover China supply chain trends. In this installment, we discuss China travel, quality assurance, freight pricing, ASD Market Week, geopolitics, and more. As always, we welcome your feedback – please tell us what you think. We wish...

China Sourcing: Improving Chinese Supplier Performance


Importers who have gone through the trouble of researching, qualifying, and building a relationship with their Chinese suppliers are sometimes hesitant to change, even when the quality of their services and output begins to decline. This desire to not want to “rock the boat” with suboptimal suppliers is what we...

Things you should know about designer bags and luggage manufactured in China


Overview It should be obvious to all comers that designer bags are great for almost every situation – they are the only thing you want to have on your arm if you are the sophisticated type and you've got an avalanche of cash when going on your routine shopping spree....

Main Areas of Shoe Production in China


Main Areas of Shoe Production in China The changing landscape of shoe manufacturing has led many companies from around the world to source their shoes from China. Let's clarify the different areas of shoe production and purchasing in China and explain what makes each area unique. The Four Central Areas...

China Sourcing: Culture, Knowledge, & Details


Why is it so important to have a great China sourcing agency? Because great sourcing is all about details. And details have a lot to do with culture and local knowledge. Your China team can help ensure that everyone in your Western office is on the same wavelength as your...


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