Jocelyn Trigueros, Author at CPG Sourcing

Archive of Author: Jocelyn Trigueros

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China Sourcing: Embezzlement and Fraud


This is a tough topic to tackle.  Most of us would like to think that Chinese suppliers are nice and honest, they just focus on making a living, the best they can.  We don’t want to even think that some of them can be dishonest, and worse, that some of...

China Sourcing: Overcoming the Negative Perception


Lately, negative feelings about doing business with China have noticeably increased.  We note this is happening not just here in the USA, but in many other places in the world including Europe, Australia, South America and South East Asian countries like Malaysia.  The reason this has developed this way goes...

Ensuring Timely Delivery When Sourcing from China


When navigating China manufacturing, delays can often occur, but with the right preparation, many can be avoided or minimized to ensure a smoother sourcing process. Below are a few tips that can reduce the risk of delay and mitigate its damage when it occurs: Place orders early: You’ll want to...

Indirect Sourcing vs Direct Sourcing: What is the best approach?


Importing from China has never been a decision made overnight. Importers have many options to weigh and lots of research to do when considering moving their supply chain to China. One barrier has always been – how? What is the best approach to buying from China? The best approach to...

China Sourcing: Improving Chinese Supplier Performance


Importers who have gone through the trouble of researching, qualifying, and building a relationship with their Chinese suppliers are sometimes hesitant to change, even when the quality of their services and output begins to decline. This desire to not want to “rock the boat” with suboptimal suppliers is what we...

Sourcing From China: How long does it take?


Many new importers find that they only have a very vague idea of how long it really takes to receive their product when purchasing in China. This is because many of them have experience buying from distributors or wholesalers here in the US, so the timeline is rarely clear. In...

China Sourcing How-To: Qualifying Suppliers


We are the age of information. All of it is readily available at your fingertips. And for many, the problem is no longer finding suppliers, but rather, qualifying suppliers. We previously wrote about how to verify factories (see China sourcing: How to verify factories). Since this blog, new importers continue to ask...

Agents in China Sourcing: Past, Present & Future


  Buying from China is exciting, but it is also complicated. This is why most importers have trusted agents in China for sourcing. The role and benefit of sourcing agents is a topic that often comes up and we have covered it in a previous blog,  (See Are You Leaving Money...


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