Archive of Author: china-admin

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First Impressions of An Englishman in China: 1st Week Culture Shock


I have been in Beijing now for a week and therefore my impressions of China, and more specifically Beijing, are based on the many initial sensory and culture shocks that I have experienced. There have been many. I have, in the past week, seen, smelt and tasted extremely ‘alien’ (to...

Keeping Healthy in China


“Keeping in good health”: though it can be practiced in a multitude of different ways in any number of countries, this generally refers to any practice with the long-term goal of prolonging one’s life. This can be performed through the enhancement of your physical state or direct prevention of disease....

Italian First Impressions- The Summer Palace


I spent my Sunday afternoon with my beloved English crew from my Internship program in the Summer Palace, in Beijing, China. Amazing. It is such an amazing construction. Unfortunately, the weather was not too pleasant for our visit though. The sticky cloak of humidity prevented us to fully enjoy the...

Efficiency, Productivity, and China FDI


A common stereotype concerning China is: “It is all about cheapness. Let’s go there and save money.” This may be true however it is increasingly becoming the case that this is not the only reason to do business in and with this country. Not anymore, at least. Not anymore is...

Experiencing The New Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Train


As the whole world has been recognizing, China is growing fast. I remembered years ago, it used to take 20 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train. Then the D train was launched, cutting the time down to 10 hours. Now, in June of this year, China has...

First Impressions: A Fair Price at Hongqiao Market


I spent Sunday afternoon hanging out in Hongqiao Market. I have never had such an experience. The market seems to be one of the must see tourist spots in Beijing, which was apparent from the ratio of foreign to Chinese shoppers. All of the westerners there appeared very proud and...

First Impressions: The Great Wall


The last weekend was one among the best, ever, in my whole life. My friends, fellow CRCC interns, proposed a trip to the great wall, 150km outside Beijing. We rented a coach and set the itinerary. Unfortunately (not really though), we overbooked the coach, so I “had” to use my...

The Unbelievable Growth Story of China’s Exports


During the 3 decades spanning the late 1970’s to 2011, China’s exports exploded unbelievably. And we mean this literally because had one asked a seasoned China buyer in 1980 what the potential China exports would be thirty years hence, no one would have believed an annual figure of $1.4 trillion...


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