Archive of Tag: purchasing in China
August 3, 2024
Have you been seeing price increases from your suppliers/factories? How do you plan to place orders when faced with rising prices? Purchasing in China has faced these challenges in recent years due to COVID-19 and its aftermath: maintaining inventory, global inflation, unstable exchange rates, panic hoarding, etc. State of Flux...
June 30, 2024
Main Areas of Shoe Production in China The changing landscape of shoe manufacturing has led many companies from around the world to source their shoes from China. Let's clarify the different areas of shoe production and purchasing in China and explain what makes each area unique. The Four Central Areas...
May 21, 2024
Many new importers find that they only have a very vague idea of how long it really takes to receive their product when purchasing in China. This is because many of them have experience buying from distributors or wholesalers here in the US, so the timeline is rarely clear. In...