Archive of Tag: made in China

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“Made in China”: The Negative Perception of China Direct Buying– Part 3


We recently started a blog series on the perception of Chinese goods being of poor quality (See Part 1 & Part 2). But is this a myth or reality? In this week’s segment, we’ll delve deeper into supply chain management in China and explore the source of this notion and...

“Made in China” Pt 2 – Background of China Sourcing and Production


As we wrote in our last blog, “Made in China” – Quality and Perception: Intro, China sourcing has historically been associated with cheap goods with questionable quality. In this blog series, we’ll explore how China ended up with this reputation and what technological and economic advancements they have made to...

Sourcing From China in 2023? A Sourcing Expert Explains 3 Things Every Importer Should Know About Buying Direct From China Post-Zero-Covid


For those involved with global sourcing, we trust you experienced three unusual years since Covid broke out at the end of 2019. If you have been sourcing high volumes of “Made in China” goods, do you trust China more or less given the challenges that emerged alongside Covid?  From our...

Buy Direct from China or Italy? 3 Things Importers Should Know


  For many years, importers thought long and hard about moving their supply chain to China because of the “poor quality” stigma. Despite vast improvements in quality over the last 30 years, many people ignore the fact that, for instance, super-high-quality electronic products are made in China (see the first...

Made in China vs. Made in Italy


  Many importers think hard about whether to move their supply chain to China because of the “poor quality” stigma that goes along with it.  Admit it, many people ignore the fact that, for instance, super-high quality electronic products are made in China. Despite vast improvements on quality over the...

IA: China churns out top ratings as world’s factory


This time we discuss an article posted by South China Morning Post (2013-05-14) about China's competitive edge and opportunities for the coming years. Based on recent studies conducted by KPMG's research in November last year, the article states that despite the increasing labour costs and worker shortages, China still churns out...

“Made in China” for Christmas


Yes, Christmas is upon us soon. And I am expecting my grown children and their friends to spend time at home with us in the USA at the end of December. So guess what I did to entertain myself this weekend? I assembled a knocked-down foosball table I just bought....

Fast Fashion – Chinatown comes to the Italian Fashion Industry


Typically when people think of the dominance of China manufacturing in the world, we think of the "Made in China" label. But it may not really be so black and white anymore. Italy, which has long been known to be the global capital of fashion, has been finding that though...


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