Archive of Tag: factories

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Sourcing From China in 2023? A Sourcing Expert Explains 3 Things Every Importer Should Know About Buying Direct From China Post-Zero-Covid


For those involved with global sourcing, we trust you experienced three unusual years since Covid broke out at the end of 2019. If you have been sourcing high volumes of “Made in China” goods, do you trust China more or less given the challenges that emerged alongside Covid?  From our...

Identifying Issues During Order Follow Ups


Typically, as soon as a purchase order is signed with a factory, an important next step is to engage in order follow ups. This is to ensure that your suppliers are in line to produce the correct product, level of quality, special requests, shipment dates, etc. However, there can be...

What Taxes is a Chinese Factory Paying?


Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It is true that no enterprise in the world can avoid paying taxes, which poses the question: What taxes do Chinese factories currently pay? The following post will outline the various types...

How To Deal With Your Contact At A Factory Disappearing


As China’s economy has grown and wages increased, so have workers’ job expectations throughout the country. This has led to a much higher rate of job mobility, as Chinese are finding it easier to leave their jobs for better opportunities, either with more pay or closer to home. These days...


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