Archive of Tag: china

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First Impressions: Non-verbal Beijing Communication


There is no denying that communication is a two-way street. Most of the time, it involves two people physically talking back and forth. However, communication can also be utilized through non-verbal language, a skill-set I have become increasingly familiar with and one that I would consider as my personal non-verbal...

First Impressions: Beijing Culture Shock


Although traveling to China is not a new occurrence for me, each subsequent visit has welcomed me with interesting and different forms of Beijing culture shock. The first time I visited Beijing, I came on a whim. It all began three summers ago. An e-flyer for a study abroad program...

What Taxes is a Chinese Factory Paying?


Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It is true that no enterprise in the world can avoid paying taxes, which poses the question: What taxes do Chinese factories currently pay? The following post will outline the various types...

Rising Ocean Freight Prices From China


Though 2011 turned out to be a good year for China purchasers who use ocean freight for their shipping, experiencing low costs in this area, 2012 is looking to have rates on the rise again which should put those who rely on ocean freight increasingly on the defensive. Falling Rates...

The Insiders: Building China Expertise in Turbulent Times


The following is a guest post from CPG partner, CRCC Asia, a leading China internship and consulting firm. “Taking a trip to China,” American President Richard Nixon observed before his momentous visit to the People’s Republic in February 1972, “is like going to the moon.” This year will mark the...

Products Made in China, Standards Set in America


The ‘Made in China’ mentality is something that the Western world has become very accustomed to since China “opened for business” in the 1970’s. Unfortunately there have been numerous instances throughout the years since that have shaped this view, and many do not shed a positive light on foreigners' impressions...

Fast Fashion – Chinatown comes to the Italian Fashion Industry


Typically when people think of the dominance of China manufacturing in the world, we think of the "Made in China" label. But it may not really be so black and white anymore. Italy, which has long been known to be the global capital of fashion, has been finding that though...

Chinese Shoe “Dumping” and European Retaliation


What Does "Dumping" Mean? In economic terms, "dumping" is used to describe any type of predatory pricing, especially when dealing with international trade. In particular, when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market, or in quantities that are...


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