Archive of Tag: china exports

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The Steel Industry in China


The Steel Industry in China The steel industry is often considered an indicator of economic progress, because of the critical role played by steel in infrastructural and overall economic development. The Steel industry in China has developed over several decades into the world biggest. China accounted for 70.4% of world steel production...

Chinese Stones: A Huge and Steady Industry


Chinese Stones: A Huge and Steady Industry China is the biggest stone producer in the world. On top of that, China is one of the world’s biggest stone exporters. To illustrate: the total transaction value of stone imports and exports in 2012 reached an amount of more than 8 billion...

Sourcing In Yiwu


Unknown to many, there exists a small city by the name of Yiwu that has been the first sourcing choice of many foreign companies. If you want to know more about sourcing in Yiwu then this entry will give you a brief understanding and introduction about this unique city. Yiwu...

What Taxes is a Chinese Factory Paying?


Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It is true that no enterprise in the world can avoid paying taxes, which poses the question: What taxes do Chinese factories currently pay? The following post will outline the various types...

Rising Ocean Freight Prices From China


Though 2011 turned out to be a good year for China purchasers who use ocean freight for their shipping, experiencing low costs in this area, 2012 is looking to have rates on the rise again which should put those who rely on ocean freight increasingly on the defensive. Falling Rates...

High Value China- The New China


These days it's not hard to find news predicting the end of China's manufacturing growth, marking the recent slowdown of China’s manufacturing and export industry, with reports showing that China manufacturing activity fell to a 32 month low in November 2011, slowed down by a slump in the global economy....


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