Archive of Category: Sourcing Management

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US-China trade war – 8: Can this get back on track?


So, here we are at the end of the series and back to the original questions: Will this trade war come to an end? Will we have tariffs on an additional $325 Bn? How long will this last? The difficulty about predicting the outcome of this kind of event is...

US-China trade war – 7: The forgotten importers


So, Trump and Xi Jinping are meeting in Osaka on Saturday, for 90 minutes.  We are told they are good friends, there is hope.  Many are waiting – with bated breath.  Well I don’t believe it.  The bit about them being good friends.  How can you be good friends when...

US-China trade war – 6: Negotiating once more


Negotiation: “Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict.” (Business Dictionary) Negotiations are stage 2.  The key, the only...

US-China trade war – 5: A bully in the China Shop


There are two stages to solving a trade dispute: Stage 1: Bringing your opponent to the table.Show that you have a case, that you are determined, that you will not flinch. Stage 2: Reaching an agreement. Finding common ground; showing respect and understanding; establishing trust and conveying reliability. Bullying is...

US-China trade war- 4. Meanings & Positions


Before we launch into the respective positions of China and the USA, lets explore definitions: What’s a tariff?   A tax on merchandise imported from other countries. A bargaining chip to negotiate a better trade deal Both of them are true, but note that a tax can be in place...

US-China trade war – Armageddon?


Armageddon: “the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times… The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario” - Wikipedia If you let your imagination run wild, and you try to picture where this trade conflict could...

US-China trade war – Predicting the unpredictable


In January I made a prediction on what would happen in March, namely: “… it will get better, … the new 25% tariffs will not be imposed and … previous tariffs will be reduced over time.” Time for me to eat humble pie.  Here we are in June, and after...

China Sourcing: What to include in the PSS?


There are many tools importers use to ensure success with a supplier. One of these tools is the Product Specification Sheet (PSS). This document is used to specify the buyer’s requirements and to ensure that they are implemented at the factory level by making them an integral part of the...


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