Archive of Category: Communication

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The Cost of Doing Nothing


Experienced importers with deep knowledge of China and its culture are able to realize savings and increase their revenue. But not all importers have that background. We previously covered this topic in the blog series “Are You Leaving Money on the Table?” In that blog, we explored what happens when...

China Sourcing: What you Want vs. What you Need


When an importer begins their quest to source products in China, they typically know what they want,  but they are not always as clear about what they need. What is the difference between “want” and “need”?  Well, it mostly has to do with details; all the things you need to address...

Interview with a China Sourcing Specialist


We field a lot of questions about China sourcing and the management of the China supply chain, such as: How is it done? How hard is it? What are the pitfalls? etc.   The best answers are provided by China sourcing specialists.  To address some of these questions we thought we...

China Sourcing: Upwork vs. Sourcing Agency


You often hear that “business is about people” and you know full well that having good people is the key to managing your China supply chain.  The question is how do you find good people? How do you manage them? One tantalizing option that exists today but was not available only...

The Pros and Cons of Having a China Sourcing Office


A China sourcing office is the best way to support a sourcing program: all your issues are addressed from placing orders to quality assurance to on time delivery.  But (there always seems to be a “but”) it requires an investment. How do we know all that? Well, we have one,...

Celebrating 40 years of China Sourcing: Lessons learned


The China supply chain has evolved a lot since we got started 40 years ago. During those 40 years, we, at CPG, have learned many lessons that have helped us build our business, establish our knowledge base and create a name for ourselves as specialists in China sourcing management. I...

China sourcing: The Future of Logistics and Technology – Part Two


In Part One of this series, we talked about the logistics industryand how it was antiquated and expensive. In this blog, we will discuss the changes and improvements that will shape the industry’s upward progression. Last week, wepointed outthat freight forwarders and brokersare making it difficult to drive down the...

China sourcing: The Future of Logistics and Technology – Part One


Here at CPG, we have been discussing the changes occurring in China sourcing and what the future may hold for the import/export industry. We also discussed the system enablers in the sourcing community. In this two-part series, we’ll switch gears and explore the logistics industry’s current situation, and provide insight...


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