Archive of Author: china-admin
November 9, 2011
The vastness of China's geography and history echoes through the polyphony of Chinese cuisine. The amazing array of dishes and foods is sufficient to please every palate, whether it’s served on a plate or in a bag! One can find food stands, fruit markets and small food stores on every...
November 7, 2011
This is a test Survey page to show how new surveys are displayed on the Home page of the Client Management system. The home page will show all new items posted within the last month. After a month, you can still find surveys under the survey tab which can be...
November 7, 2011
This is a Sample Survey visible only to client accounts. This is managed by assigning this to the Survey category and checking only "Client" in "CPG File Management Home Page Options"
November 7, 2011
The News section of the Client Management home page offers us the opportunity to provide employees and clients with various kinds of updates on our company. Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible to filter by client/account. The only filter capability is to show to either Employee or Client...
November 7, 2011
This is a News Item viewable only to Client accounts. This is displayed only on Clients' Client Management Home Pages. To accomplish this, create a new post, categorize it under "News" and check "Client" under the "CPG File Management Home Page Options." These stay on the homepage for up to...
November 7, 2011
This is a News Item viewable only to Employee accounts. This is displayed only on Employees' Client Management Home Pages. To accomplish this, create a new post, categorize it under "News" and check "Employee" under the "CPG File Management Home Page Options." These stay on the homepage for up to...
November 5, 2011
China condemned the U.S. on Wednesday October 12, 2011 after the Senate passed the "Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Act," with a 63-35 majority that threatens to punish China for allegedly undervaluing its currency with retaliatory tariffs on imports from China. Although the legislation refers to countries, it is clearly designed...
November 4, 2011
The weather in Beijing has plummeted to this weeks 14 Degrees. Many Chinese people have told me that with a snap of a finger the weather changes, and that is exactly what happened, one day was hot then the next day you are left shivering in your short sleeve shirt....