Talk To A Procurement Agency With Decades Of Results

Our flat-rate sourcing, negotiation and supply chain consultancy delivers tangible results that improve your bottom line

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Improving Your ROI

With agents working domestically and internationally, you access a team who can negotiate, inspect and guide your procurement process to deliver goods that match customers’ highest standards

Procurement & Pricing Optimization

Flat rate pricing ensures we have your best results in mind

Timely Procurement Delivery

99% on time delivery means product lands & sales happen when you’d planned

Built In Quality Assurance

Count on quality that builds
your brand

Straightforward Approach

Moving between providers and partners introduces inefficiencies. Regular travel introduces cost and interrupts schedules.

Enterprise customers use the CPG team, with domestic and Chinese support, to negotiate, lead quality assurance, ensure timely delivery and protect intellectual property to produce consequential improvements in quality, cost and timeliness.


See How We Can Help You