Archive of Category: Foreign Relations
November 5, 2011
China condemned the U.S. on Wednesday October 12, 2011 after the Senate passed the "Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Act," with a 63-35 majority that threatens to punish China for allegedly undervaluing its currency with retaliatory tariffs on imports from China. Although the legislation refers to countries, it is clearly designed...
October 27, 2011
China has proven itself to be among the shrewdest in the world as it becomes increasingly well positioned. As events in recent years have shown, established themselves on increasingly powerful economic footing compared to the rest of the world. This is thanks to certain actions that the national government has...
October 13, 2011
Africa and exploitation are often synonymous. Africa has been the continent exploited and 'invested in' for the last two centuries while western countries enjoyed a monopoly over African resources; timber, minerals, oil, gold and diamonds. Companies rushed to Africa to 'save it' usually leaving the geopolitics worse than when they...
September 30, 2011
A Brief History For nearly a century, China’s relationship with Britain and its empire was politically its most important, setting the agenda for its relations with other powers; for better or for worse. Major British trading firms and financial institutions which emerged in the nineteenth century still play key roles...
September 22, 2011
The Euro crisis is a global problem As the current Euro zone crisis appears to be hanging on a knife-edge the debt ridden nations of southern Europe seem to be looking towards the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to aid in solving their sovereign debt problems. China has...
May 3, 2011
At 1:46pm on March 11th, Beijing time, there was a class 9 earthquake that hit near Honshu island of Japan. The earthquake as well as tsunami and the fire at a nuclear power station that followed not only brought fatal effects to Japan, but also greatly affected China as its...