Archive of Author: Michael De Clercq

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US-China trade war – 3: Why we have a trade dispute


So, now that we have imagined a plausible end, it would be appropriate to understand more about the beginning.  What started this trade dispute?  Three main issues: A growing trade deficit: China sells a lot more goods to the USA than the USA sells to China. The trade deficit with...

US-China trade war – Armageddon?


Armageddon: “the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times… The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario” - Wikipedia If you let your imagination run wild, and you try to picture where this trade conflict could...

US-China trade war – Predicting the unpredictable


In January I made a prediction on what would happen in March, namely: “… it will get better, … the new 25% tariffs will not be imposed and … previous tariffs will be reduced over time.” Time for me to eat humble pie.  Here we are in June, and after...

US-China trade war: What will happen to tariffs in March?


USA businesses that buy Chinese goods are adventurers.  They go to the other side of the world to secure supplies of low-cost products for their customers. They brave all sorts of challenges ranging from quality (whether it meets their expectations), price (whether they really got the best price), cost of...


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