Archive of Author: Michael De Clercq

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No China travel until end of 2022


One of our clients was so determined to meet his China suppliers in person that he traveled to China, stayed in quarantine (isolated in a hotel) for two weeks and subjected himself to all the required testing. After two weeks, he was told he would have to stay an additional...

US-China trade war – 8: Can this get back on track?


So, here we are at the end of the series and back to the original questions: Will this trade war come to an end? Will we have tariffs on an additional $325 Bn? How long will this last? The difficulty about predicting the outcome of this kind of event is...

US-China trade war – 7: The forgotten importers


So, Trump and Xi Jinping are meeting in Osaka on Saturday, for 90 minutes.  We are told they are good friends, there is hope.  Many are waiting – with bated breath.  Well I don’t believe it.  The bit about them being good friends.  How can you be good friends when...

US-China trade war – 6: Negotiating once more


Negotiation: “Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict.” (Business Dictionary) Negotiations are stage 2.  The key, the only...

US-China trade war – 5: A bully in the China Shop


There are two stages to solving a trade dispute: Stage 1: Bringing your opponent to the table.Show that you have a case, that you are determined, that you will not flinch. Stage 2: Reaching an agreement. Finding common ground; showing respect and understanding; establishing trust and conveying reliability. Bullying is...

US-China trade war- 4. Meanings & Positions


Before we launch into the respective positions of China and the USA, lets explore definitions: What’s a tariff?   A tax on merchandise imported from other countries. A bargaining chip to negotiate a better trade deal Both of them are true, but note that a tax can be in place...

US-China trade war – 3: Why we have a trade dispute


So, now that we have imagined a plausible end, it would be appropriate to understand more about the beginning.  What started this trade dispute?  Three main issues: A growing trade deficit: China sells a lot more goods to the USA than the USA sells to China. The trade deficit with...

US-China trade war – Armageddon?


Armageddon: “the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times… The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario” - Wikipedia If you let your imagination run wild, and you try to picture where this trade conflict could...


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